Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glavine Collection: 2000 Topps #241

Greg Maddux cards often feature a goofy face. Its a nice change of pace because otherwise, virtually every picture of a great pitcher in their motion tends to look the same. Now, Tom Glavine cards often catch him in his pitching motion. Fine. No problem. Typically, as for a lot of southpaws, it looks great ... it just doesn't vary much from card to card. The problem with Glavine cards is that, unlike the goofy faced Maddux, he has the same deadly serious look on his face whenever he's pitching.

Check out the close up below. That's the definition of a deadly serious look.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Maddux Collection: 1996 Collector's Choice #396

Two things make this more than just a HO-HUM Upper Deck card. First, there's the look on Maddux's face. There's no shortage of cards with a goofy look on his face. Second, there's the World Series champs logo. I'll never get tired of seeing that on a Braves card.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Braves Collection: Gene Oliver

1967 Topps
I wonder is a player like Gene Oliver was happy with the Braves move to Atlanta? For one thing, he was from Moline so being in Milwaukee would seem to be a more natural place for him. Additionally, he was a good (not great) major league hitter before the move, but after the move, well, he was NOT.

I keep thinking I need to try and build a set from the 60s. I always lean towards the 1964 set, but I gotta say, the more I see of the 1967, the more I like it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Braves Collection: Jung Bong Redux

The return of Mr. Bong. I first featured Mr. Bong in this post, but I decided to replace that card in my Atlanta Braves binder with this one (thanks Derek), because it doesn't, you know, feature some irrelevant Astro never-was. No, I prefer my cards only feature an Atlanta Brave never-was. (The usage of the English language in this post is brought to you by 8 years of schooling in Columbus, Georgia.)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Braves Collection: 1964 Topps Giant Warren Spahn

A few years ago, I picked up my father-in-law the Mickey Mantle from the 1964 Topps Giant set as a Christmas present. For a while afterwards, I thought about picking up a few cards from the set. Those thoughts went by the wayside.

Back in February, at the FCB National Card Show, this one guy had a three dollar table. Late in the day, it became a two dollar table. He had this card on the table. What the hell, right? It is, at the moment, the only card I have of Spahn from his playing career, and I like it. I like it a lot.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Braves Collection: Jimmy Kremers

1991 Upper Deck
I assert that Jimmy Kremers, who only hit .110 in his 1990 cup of coffee with the Braves served an important role in the surge the franchise would begin in the 1991 season. How you ask? Easy. He was one of the players traded for Otis Nixon right before opening day 1991.

Thanks to BA Benny for the card.


Maybe I'm ignorant.

Maybe I'm stupid.

Maybe I don't understand.

Still, I support Jim Riggleman.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Braves Collection: Felipe Alou

1968 Topps
He may fall well short of being a hall of fame player, but Felipe Alou was a major league hitter all the way. He had such an excellent career, but I guess it is inevitable that he will be better known, if not as a manger, then as Moises Dad. 

Do I have a point? Nah.

Check out the box score at this link. Notice the three players in the outfield after Mays, McCovey and Cepeda exited the game. Damn cool.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Braves Collection: Chipper Jones Relic

I don't really seek out Chipper cards, but I often come across some cool ones. I like this a lot. Too bad the Chipper swatch isn't from a blue jersey.

Oh wait. There's another guy on the card. Yeah. He's pretty darn good, isn't he? (And he gets a red swatch on a red background.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Smoltz Collection: 2003 Topps Finest #37

I've never made it a secret that I prefer "old school" baseball cards. Give me pictures without fake backgrounds on cardboard and I'm a happy camper. That said, I still love me some Finest. I'm awfully glad that Derek sent this card my way!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Smoltz Collection: 1997 Limited Counterparts #16

Sure, the design is a little on the boring side, but this is TWO future hall-of-fame pitchers on a single baseball card. You can't beat that. (Thanks Derek!)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Smoltz Collection: 1990 Topps #535

It would be an understatement to say I don't see eye to eye with a lot of people on the interwebs about the design of baseball cards. I think from 1983 though 1990 Topps was on a hell of a roll. Sure, the cards from 86 on are just one step above worthless, but I liked all the designs. The 1990 is nice. If every card in the set had the same border (see Donruss 1990) it would be tiresome and a mess. Fortunately, Topps didn't fall into that trap.
If you're reading the stats there on the monthly scoreboard, you'll notice that Smoltz didn't see much action that September. It was the first of his elbow injuries. (There's no truth at all to the rumor that he faked the injury because the 1989 team was so bad.)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Smoltz Collection: 2007 Fleer Ultra #11

One of the sets that came out not long after I left the hobby in the early 90s was Fleer Ultra. I was more or less oblivious to its existence until I got back into the game in 2005. Of course, Fleer was almost immediately snatched up by Upper Deck. Looking back now, I think Ultra is easily one of my favorite brands of the 90s, and Upper Deck's 2007 resurrection of the set is terrific. I love this card. (Thanks Derek!)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Smoltz Collection: 2008 Topps #327

It is obvious that one of these is so superior to the others. Yet, why the disrespect Topps? You show Peavy and Harang in their pitching motions, but you show Smoltz giving a ball back to an umpire? Boo. Hiss. (Thanks Derek!) 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Glavine Collection: 2000 Fleer Tradition #192

Look at Fleer with their "throwback" design from 2000. We could say it was a blatant rip off of the 1954 Topps Design, but that wouldn't be very nice, would it? Either way, I LOVE this card. Makes me want to get the set.

Two Words: Pops and Prado

I just had what might be the best mail day I've had since I started trading online. A HUGE thanks to Derek and Troll for the cards. I'll post the details when I get a break in a few days. Let me say again: THANKS AND AWESOME!!!!!!

P.S. - I'm going to be at the Ted tonight to pick up my Heyward bobble head. Is anyone else going to be there?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Glavine Collection: 1997 Pacific Crown Collection #232

Egads I hate Pacific. (No offense anyone!) Everything to the right of that awful Gold border is great. The border is just tacky looking. It looks out of place. I really hate that logo.
The bilingual backs are almost enough to save this card, but not quite. I know for a lot of people, the 90s are the epitome of great card making, but I don't see it. I miss cardboard.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Glavine Collection: 2009 Upper Deck First Edition #15

I have mixed feelings about the 2009 Upper Deck design. I like it on cards where the shading on the background behind the team logo represents the team, as it does on this Glavine. There are, however, cards where it does not. I don't like those. (Thanks to AdamE for the card!)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Glavine Collection: 2001 UD Reserve #94

OK. I'm going to bitch and moan about a good looking baseball card that I'm happy to have in my collection. I do like this card a lot, but I do not care for the green bar on the left. Yes, as I say repeatedly, I would prefer cards where these types of colors are keyed against the player's team's colors. If they aren't going to do that, at least switch up the colors of these design elements from card to card. Otherwise, as a set, the cards just look too damn similar. (At least this set includes some background behind the players to break the color monotony. If they didn't do this, it would be EE, which is a fine set for player collections, but just awful as a set.)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Two Types of Baseball Fans

There are two types of baseball fans:
  1. Those that vote for Brian McCann to start as the catcher for the NL in the All Star game.
  2. Those that are truly, deeply stupid.

Glavine Collection:2004 Fleer inScribed #45

inScribed? They named the set inScribed?

I must say, I like the way they superimpose the signature over the (ugly) Mets logo on the back.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Glavine Collection: 2002 Topps Total #37

Topps Total is what base Topps ought to be. Obviously, that's my own opinion. The cards are nice and simple. They are printed on cardboard. (Well, very thin cardboard.) Most importantly, Total treated every player on every team as IMPORTANT and deserving of a card. If Topps was still making Total, I bet Eric O'Flaherty would have had a Braves card by now.

Of course, Tommy was going to get a card in any set Topps put out at the time.
Thanks to Derek for this card! The only other Glavine cards I have from Topps Total show him in that AWFUL Mets uniform.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Autograph Collection: Jordan Schafer

This kid has me legitimately excited right now. He certainly hasn't been perfect out of the leadoff spot, but he adds genuine excitement to the Braves lineup. He can flat our run too. He's fun to watch. I'm glad the Braves didn't give up on him and that he hasn't given up on himself.

This card is purdy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Glavine Collection: 1989 Bowman #267

Here it is, Tom Glavine's card in the first Bowman set in a billion years. This was the grand return. The cards were even sized the same as they were in the early 50s. I have a ton of cards from this set lying around, but somehow, I didn't have the Glavine card until Derek sent it over. Thanks dude! (Yes, I hate this set. Yes, I love this card.)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Maddux Collection: 2000 SP Authentic Midsummer Classic #MC10

Ooh. I'm not always big on the shiny, but I'm liking the look of this card something fierce. Thanks to Charlie at the Lifetime Topps Project.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Maddux Collection: 1990 Topps #715

What's not to love about 1990 Topps? The cards are colorful and are on cardboard. Sure, the color borders can be tacky, but imagine how awful the set would look if every card used the exact same color scheme?

OK. If pressed, I can find a few things I don't like about 1990 Topps. First, it is almost impossible to find cards that weren't slightly miscut. Also, the cards are virtually worthless, so there's that. Still, I love the set and I love most of Topps designs right up through 1990.
Notice those 82 walks in 1989? Not a great number ... not an awful one. Mad Dog would never top 80 again. I miss watching Maddux pitch.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Maddux Collection: 2005 Donruss Champions #217

I've decided to forgive Donruss for these cards. Now, my problem with the card is all that blank space on the right. Serves no purpose!!!! Why do I forgive them then you ask? Easy. Maddux is wearing a Braves uniform even though he played for the Cubs the previous season. (Thanks to Rhubarb_Runner for the card!)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Maddux Collection: 2008 SP Authentic #15

Now THIS is a beautiful modern baseball card. That's not a surprise with SP. Upper Deck almost never misses with SP.
Now most manufacturers tend to go with limited stats on the backs of their higher end sets, but Upper Deck knocks this one out of the park with full career stats and a nicely done head shot.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Maddux Collection: 1996 Pinnacle SportFlix #8

I used to think the technology used to make these cards was amazing. Those days have passed, but I still get a kick out of seeing these cards. Thanks to Charlie at the Lifetime Topps Project for this one.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Maddux Collection: 1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #22

I must have seen Maddux pitch in person at least a dozen times during his years in Atlanta. Not once do I remember him giving off a pink glow. Perhaps Upper Deck added it in themselves and it isn't actually a part of the picture? 
Yes, I realize that what I wrote above was stupid, but go back through my archives. I've written dumber things.

Thanks to AdamE at Thoughts and Sox for the card.